Executive coaching with mary Ann

'Mary Ann supports leaders to BE what it takes to thrive in a complex and uncertain world.'

Why book executive coaching with me...

It can be tough making the decision to step into your first Executive Leadership role but that gets 10x tougher choosing to stay there and maintaining the tenacity and courage to keep climbing!

Being and staying at the top is definitely a team sport. Executive coaching provides you with an opportunity to work with someone who is committed to your success and whose purpose it is to support you to discover and be your best self in every situation.

My Executive Coaching Programs are always bespoke to each individual and  team within an organisation/business and have a clear focus on outcomes and ROI. Depending on your needs they may also be contracted to include alignment sessions with line managers and/or HR Business Partners.

Book a call with me to find out how this can work for you >>


A personal 6 month program of 1:1 Coaching Sessions suitable for Senior Managers, Executives, C-Suite professionals and Board Members.


Support you in your leadership role if you are stepping into a new role or looking for a promotion or if you are making changes in your own business.


Clarity for you - during the program we get super clear on what you want to achieve and what success for you looks like, we then put a strategy plan in place.

Join me for this executive coaching option ...

This is a 1:1 program for you if you are a Senior leader, Executive or C-Suite professional within your organisation who is ready to SHINE here, now, today!

You are ready NOW to do what it takes to overcome any roadblocks and experience the fullness of your unique potential. This intensive 3 month program consists of x3 half day sessions where we create clarity around your challenges, dive deep into your GENIUS Leadership potential, and create informed actions to embed everything you discover in your personal and professional life. These sessions will also be supported by pre session and post session calls plus you will have working hour access to me via Teams chat for the duration of your coaching.

Book a call with me to find out how this can work for you >>

Client Testimonial

"Learning and developing with my coaching sessions wiht Mary Ann has catapulted me
so much further ahead than if I tried to work alone - honestly, it's been a game changer".

Maureen Johnstone - Executive Coach in HR

"My mission is to change how we design business by creating GENIUS Leaders who have the skills and courage to put the human experience at the core of  business and encourage creative, inclusive workspaces where everyone thrives".

Client Testimonials

Working with Mary Ann surpassed all my expectations. Within the first 1 hour of chatting with her she helped me see something I had been blind to for so long, I had forgotten I know it. I worked with Mary Ann for 3 months during the first lockdown and this completely turned me and my business around. Her coaching lit a fire inside me that has kept me passionate about my business and why I started it. I think that is what coaching is about; inspiring you so that you drive yourself to higher heights. Mary Ann is amazing at what she does and I highly highly recommend her.

Stella Macharia

Structural Engineering Consultant

Mary Ann is a vibrant force of nature that has that unique ability to challenge and transform you in the deepest way. The best part is that you find yourself excited and loving every moment even when its tough! I now have new opportunities in my life and no longer look at uncertainty est self and there is no going 

Jon Smith

Electrical Distribution CEO

Mary Ann is a vibrant force of nature that has that unique ability to challenge and transform you in the deepest way. The best part is that you find yourself excited and loving every moment even when its tough! I now have new opportunities in my life and no longer look at uncertainty est self and there is no going 

Sam Donna

Electrical Distribution CEO

Working with Mary Ann this past year has been a game changer for me. It has been grounding. It has been inspiring. It has been enlightening. It has been growth! Firstly, as a business owner, when you decide to invest in yourself and in turn your business, it has to feel right. The connection has to be there before you start otherwise it is just too hard and does not work. If you are looking to take yourself and your business to the next level - that level you do not even know you are capable of yet, I highly recommend a conversation with Mary Ann - because if you feel it, then just do it!

Fiona Brennan

Electrical Distribution CEO

I worked with Mary Ann for 3 months and I cannot describe the clarity I have gained in such a relatively short period of time. I loved what I was doing but the critical part was missing in my business, which is a
tangible plan. I now know what do I need to do, what are the steps to take and I have my map with me so my business is stronger than ever. I may have difficult days, I may get tired but as long as I keep following the steps Mary Ann helped me to find and construct, my business will always get better, to be honest it already is, better
than ever. I am looking forward to working with her again in the future when I go higher and possibly need more of her expertise.


Msc. Psychologist

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