Keynote Speaking with Mary Ann
Discover, live, and lead from this place of GENIUS to create success at every level of your life, career, and organisation.
Strengthen your tactical skills and strategic competences that support your leadership success
Book a keynote presentation with
Mary Ann
To book Mary Ann for executive coaching, a workshop or keynote speach please contact
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My most popular key note speaches and workshop topics...
GENIUS Leadership® unlock your full potential AS A LEADER
Understand how to sustainably implement and embody the 6 key elements of the GENIUS Leadership® philosophy to continually maximise your potential so you are always a truly outstanding leader who is consistently successful in our constantly changing, post pandemic, multi-generational, virtual, and global marketplace.
Glass ceiling or sticky floor:
You decide!
This helps women to widen the impact they have within their corporate roles by expanding their understanding of what is holding them back, gaining clarity about what they can control and feeling empowered to take responsibility and impactful action to move forward.
Diversity & inclusion: How to break down barriers to unlock your organisations potential!
Learn how our internal programming and external environment are both barriers and supporters of a more inclusive and diverse business world. Understand how to step up to create more purpose driven, inclusive and diverse workplaces, that embody creativity, joy and flexibility with safety, productivity, and profits.
Working with Mary Ann this past year has been a game changer for us. It has been grounding. It has been inspiring. It has been enlightening. It has been growth. Her approach is supportive, focused, encouraging, wildly knowledgeable. It takes you to new levels that you
have no idea that you are capable of!
Construction CEO
Outcomes of working with me
• Implement techniques and tools that will raise your employees’ skills levels.
• Create strategies and solutions to increase employee performance.
• Increase personal wealth and business profitability.
• Allow your teams and organisation to work in with an innovative mindset.
• Expand individual influence, flexibility, and impact
• Collectively create winning cultures of sustainability, diversity, inclusion, and purpose.
• Creates excelling team performance that leverages generational perspectives and engages inspires and develops talent.
• Reduce stress and mental anguish.
• Use new ways of thinking and mental
frameworks to build greater confidence
Client Testimonials
Stella Macharia
Structural Engineering Consultant
Electrical Distribution CEO
Electrical Distribution CEO
Fiona Brennan
Electrical Distribution CEO
Msc. Psychologist
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